Endings and Beginnings
The last four months have been filled with activity and excitement in the Panda household. We have had trips back stateside, celebrated our little guy's first birthday, gone on holiday to England and Scotland, seen the installation of a new Senior Minister here in Groomsport, and have accepted a call with a new congregation!
In a lot of ways, this has been a season of Endings and Beginnings. We are rapidly approaching the end of our time here in Northern Ireland (as I write this we only have four days before we fly back stateside); I have preached my last sermon, attended my last session meeting, and done my last hospital visitations. Over the past few months I have been bringing various projects to a close, or passing them along to new teams to continue the work. It has been an amazing adventure serving this congregation during their time of transition in leadership, but as Groomsport welcomed the Rev. Paul Dalzell in March, that season is ending.
In a transition that is both exciting and a bit sad (at least for me), the Little Panda's time as a baby is ending more and more every day. Two months ago we celebrated his first birthday, and each day he continues to grow and learn. A few months ago, he was content to sit and play; now he is walking (with help), climbing, and crawling all over the place! He is learning to use language, both spoken and sign, to let us know how he is doing and what he wants or needs. I am constantly amazed (and so proud) as I watch him grow. What an amazing privilege! Almost as amazing is watching what a wonderful mother Mary Erin is for our boy. Her love, patience, and wisdom are a blessing to me (and our son!). Below are some photos of the little guy and our family, taken for his first birthday.
If you haven't had enough cute photos of the Little Panda, here are some more! They include some photos from his 1st birthday party, as well as some of our adventures over the past few months.
While the last few months have been about endings (of our time in Northern Ireland, and of our boy's time as a baby), they have also been about beginnings. Since the end of last summer we have been engaged in the work of discerning where God has called our family following our time in Groomsport. It has been a long, and sometimes frustrating, process. There were many days that I wished for a voice from heaven to simply point the way as I wrote emails, scheduled Skype interviews, and answered questions. At the same time, it has been a process full of blessing. I have had the joy of speaking with so many different churches in different parts of the United States. While all of them face challenges, it has been quite reaffirming to see what God is up to all over the US. In February, I was able to travel back stateside with my family to visit two congregations, both with unique situations, blessings, and needs. Following our visit, Mary Erin and I spend a great deal of time discussing which of these congregations we felt called to serve alongside. We were blessed with gracious hosts in both places, and enjoyed our visits; it was not an easy decision. Additionally, once we had agreed to the offer, there were still a number of additional steps in the process: approval by the local presbytery (a regional governing body), negotiation of terms of call, and a final vote by the congregation. All of these steps were completed last week.
It is a joy to share that starting on the 1st of July, I will begin my ministry as the first full-time Installed Pastor and Head of Staff for Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in Springfield, MO. Trinity is a new congregation (less than two years old) that was born out of the remnants of two other congregations that made the decision to leave the Presbyterian Church (USA). In their short ministry together so far, they have grown to a community of around 220 individuals serving SW Missouri. One of the unique elements of Trinity is that they currently do not own a building, but rather are sharing space (and some staff) with Brentwood Christian Church, a Disciples of Christ congregation. This partnership is an exciting element in an exciting story.
The Panda family is excited for this new beginning. I am excited to join the community at Trinity (and our siblings in Christ from Brentwood) as we walk this journey together. I am excited to make new friends, go on new adventures, and see what amazing new things God has in store for this community. Can I also say, I'm excited to have my own office, and maybe the most exciting of all, is we will only be a few short hours' drive away from our families.
At the same time, I am sad. While many here in Northern Ireland don't understand, or quite believe, me, I will miss this place. Deeply. It is where, for Mary Erin and I, we went from being a couple to a family. It is where I watched my boy smile for the first time, heard him laugh and call me "Da-da," and where we would sit and read stories. We will certainly smile, and laugh, and read stories wherever we go, this will be where it all started. It is also where I served my first congregation as an ordained pastor; where I was trusted to preach, officiate at the Lord's Supper, and baptise a child. It was where I was privileged to sit in living rooms and by hospital beds and hear people's stories. It was where I walked alongside families as they buried their loved ones; some of them my friends. This place will always hold a special place in our hearts, and leaving here is bittersweet.
But, I guess that is the nature of endings. They are a time when you can reflect back on the blessings of the season of life you have found yourself in; and a blessed season this has been. A season that will end, as another begins. Where this journey will lead, I don't know yet, but I trust that I will be filled with adventures!
Thanks to everyone that has been part of our journey so far; you have been a blessing to us. I hope that in the coming months we can find ourselves in the same place for a meal or a cup of coffee. From our family to yours, all the very best!