The Springfield Statement

In the last two weeks there has been a significant amount of conversation among Christians of all stripes regarding the “Nashville Statement.”  This statement (originally published here), from The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (an evangelical coalition of pastors, academics, and church officials) seeks to re-state in strong terms the condemnation of the religious right of LGBTQ+ individuals and those who would ally with them.

While this basic stance (condemnation of those who do not identify with a mid-20th century understanding of binary sexuality) is not surprising, remaining silent is not an option for people of faith who would strive for a Church open to the love and grace of Christ.  To that end, the Pastor and Session of Trinity Presbyterian Church PC(USA) unequivocally and unanimously reject the “Nashville Statement” and express the following:

  1. Continued condemnation by the religious right of the LGBTQ+ community continues to bring pain and suffering by seeking to further marginalize and silence a people long ignored and derided by our church and culture.  This stands in direct contrast to our understanding of the Gospel of Christ as a call to reach out in love and grace to all people.
  2. The specific condemnation of LGBTQ+ individuals by the authors and signatories of the “Nashville Statement” misreads and misunderstands the limited biblical discussions of sexuality and marriage.  Much has been written on this topic (A good summary is available here.); thus, we affirm that the biblical witness does not primarily (if at all) address a respectful and loving relationship between two people.
  3. We reject the philosophical position of complementarianism, both as raised by the “Nashville Statement” and in other discourse, that furthers the damaging philosophy of men and women being “separate but equal.”  We affirm that all people are created equally in the image of God, worthy of love and grace, without regard to gender or sexual identity.
  4. We reject the claim of the “Nashville Statement” that human sexuality is only properly expressed in a “procreative” relationship.  The claim that those with fertility issues, those who use contraception, or those who express their sexuality without the intention of procreation are somehow lesser, sinful, or misusing the gift of our sexual nature presents both a limited and harmful view of human sexuality.
  5. We reject the tacit call for the excommunication of those individuals who either identify as LGBTQ+ or seek to ally with them, just as we reject the sentiment that the topic of human sexuality is somehow a theological area beyond discussion.
  6. We call for a renewed commitment by people of faith to the creation of communities, both inside and outside the church, that are marked by welcome, love, and acceptance of all God’s children.
  7. While the community of Christ gathered as Trinity Presbyterian Church seeks to be an open and inclusive community, welcoming those of all backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, racial & ethnic backgrounds, and political views; we acknowledge that we too are complicit in systems of sin in our world that bias us toward the way things have traditionally been done or understood.  We too have, intentionally and unintentionally, caused others pain through our action or inaction.  For these times, we confess our fault and seek forgiveness, even as we strive to work toward a vision of the Kingdom where all God’s children are welcomed with love and grace.

This statement is the position of Rev. Chris Miller and the Session (Board of Elders) of Trinity Presbyterian Church PC(USA) in Springfield, MO.  It has been published on - the personal site of Rev. Chris Miller - while the Trinity website undergoes significant updates.

At the request of other local faith leaders we are honored to have the following individuals as co-signers of this statement.  If you would like your name (or your congregation's name) to be added to this list, simply click on the "Co-sign" button below and we will add your details as soon as we can.

Signed By:

Rev. Chris Miller, Pastor, Trinity Presbyterian Church PC(USA)
The Session of Trinity Presbyterian Church PC(USA)
Rev. Phil Snider, Brentwood Christian Church
Rev. Jacob Douylliez
Dr. Kenneth Humphreys
Rev. Becky Schwandt
Rev. Jane Huffstetler, Honorably Retired, PC(USA)
Rev. Steve Gardner, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Retired

Lynn Atkinson
Warford B Johnson III
Mike & Nancy White
Deborah Cron
Kyle Evans
Carol Minton
Gary Johnson
Susan & David Hart
Brenda Williams
Kristin Butler
Marsha Thompson Landrith
Marilyn Lowe
Brenda Sneed

Chris MillerComment