The Ten Words that Bring Abundant Life

The following is from my weekly newsletter note to my congregation at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Springfield, MO. It was published on Thursday, October 12, 2023. I have received a number of very kind comments, so I thought I would share it here as well. I’d be happy for your comments!

Earlier this week I got a wonderful email from one of our Trinity family asking me some questions about my sermon on the Ten Commandments this past Sunday. He wondered if I might share some other examples of how we might re-envision the commandments in constructive language. The question captured my imagination, so I thought I'd share my musings with everyone this week!

I think it's helpful to note that "The Ten Commandments" is a mistranslation. From the JPS Torah Commentary, "The Hebrew means, rather, “The Ten Words,” which the Jews of ancient Alexandria in Egypt translated literally into Greek as deka logoi. This gave rise to the more accurate English alternative “Decalogue.”"

This brings me to my musing: what if, instead of thinking of them as commandments, we thought instead of "The Ten Words that Bring Abundant Life." We might find this alternative reading:

I am God, who created the world and called it good. I have been by your side since the beginning, even when you couldn't see it, even when you felt alone. When you decide what and who in life to worship, I want you remember my grace and love.

I know the world will temp you with so many things. The world will ask you to worship power and wealth, beauty and success. The world will ask you to forget about me and put these things on a pedestal. Instead, I want you to live a life focused on loving God and loving others.

When you speak of your faith, or of me, I want you to do it in a way that builds others up and helps them find their way to me. Claiming "God is on my side" is a powerful statement, so use it wisely and with compassion.

You are created for more than productivity - you are created for an abundant life filled with joy - so take time every week to rest from your work, to rest from the busyness of the world, and to re-center yourself in my way.

I know human families aren't perfect - the story of my people is the story of family issues - but I want you to know that families, biological and chosen, are created to be a blessing for the world. As much as it is up to you, try to show love and grace to those you do life with so you may demonstrate my way of love to the world.

Live your life in a way that honors and protects the lives of all people, for every person carries the Image of God inside them.

Seek a life that rejoices in the love of others and do your best to support and encourage healthy relationships of mutual love and care.

I want you to live in such a way that you constantly seek the good of those around you as much as you seek your own good. Build a world where everyone has enough - enough food and clothing, enough housing and healthcare, and enough love - so there is no need to steal from others to survive. Build a world where there is enough - enough trust and respect, enough justice and truth - so there is no need to lie or deceive. Build a world where everyone is enough; where no one is judged by possessions or titles or wealth, but is simply known by their true name: Child of God.

I am God, the one who created the world and called it good. I am giving you these words that you might have life and have it abundantly. Know that you are loved; now go and do likewise.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Chris

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