Scans, Scans, and More Scans
The seven weeks or so since our last update have been filled with - you guessed it - lots of scans. We've had several follow-up visits with both our primary and high-risk OB here in Springfield, along with another visit mid-January with the team at Children's Mercy Hospital (CMH) in Kansas City. Mary Erin is now receiving weekly scans to monitor the baby, and will through the remainder of the pregnancy. These bio-physical profile (BPP) scans are a way for the medical team to keep an eye on how things are going and determine if additional intervention is needed.
We haven't learned a whole lot more, and that is essentially a good thing. The visit at CMH in January confirmed the initial diagnosis of an AV Canal Defect (see our last post for all the details on that), but also importantly they didn't find any other related concerns. The most pressing thing they are watching is the diameter of the aorta, and for right now at least it is in the normal range. A constricted aorta would mean an earlier-than-planned surgical intervention, something we are hoping to avoid.
We will go back to CMH mid-February for one more evaluation appointment with several more scans. We will set the final timeline and plan at that point. Assuming they don't find anything else concerning, we will be spending about 3 weeks in Kansas City, starting mid-March, while grandparents help take care of our other two back in Springfield.
According to the team at CMH, the most likely delays in discharge after the baby is born will probably come in the area of feeding and weight gain, not problems directly related to the heart defect. Thankfully, they have a wonderful team of folks to help, which is quite reassuring.
From all of us, thank you to the many folks who have reached out with kind words, your own stories of similar journeys, and offers of help. Keep 'em coming! It is such a blessing to know we are not alone on this road.
More updates to come, but in the meantime, here are a few family photos for your enjoyment!