
A lot has happened over the past few months and with everything I haven't done a good job at keeping things updated around here.  So, below is a short summary of life since my last post and a preview of what is coming up. 

This past spring I completed my first year at Princeton Theological Seminary with all A's in my course work.  After the semester wrapped up in early May I headed home to Missouri and spent about a month with friends and family, and most importantly, preparing for my wedding.  On June 8th I married my best friend (I will post pictures soon) and had the joy of celebrating with tons of family and friends.  It was a wonderful and very special day that we will remember forever. 

A few short days after our wedding we packed the moving truck and made the drive to Princeton to move into our new apartment.  After a day and a half of unpacking the truck and moving boxes we got on a plane and left for our honeymoon to Alaska.  It was a wonderful two weeks (again, pictures soon) and we got back to Princeton two days before my classes started again for summer Hebrew. 

I am currently in the middle of an eight week, intensive language program.  Following that we will have a short break before the fall semester begins.  This year, along with a full course load, I will be participating in a ministry internship at Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church, just outside of New Hope, PA. 

A lot has changed in the last few months, but amid all the business have been many blessings.  Thanks for being a part of it!  

Until next time, Peace.

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