Hello World from The Preaching Panda
Welcome to the completely re-designed home of The Preaching Panda! As I have made the transition from teacher/camp counselor/photographer to that of simply seminary student I wanted to bring my online home more into focus with what I am doing now.
While I hope to continue to post my photographic work as it occurs, it will most likely take the form of images from my seminary adventures. To that end, my photography gallery is quite simplified. Please note that any images you see in my posts can be clicked on for a full-screen view (especially nice with the panoramic shots by the way).
My main focus for the foreseeable future will be my journal posts (like this one) where I will be talking about what seminary is like, discussions on issues that are in my head, and anything else I find interesting. If you have thoughts, ideas, or suggestions please let me know via a comment or by the contact link on the left.
Thanks for taking the time to visit and I hope that these words find you at a moment of peace and joy.